It is so hard to believe that the end of the year countdown is moving into single digits. Please remember that the last day for all of our preschool and kindergarten students is Tuesday, June 11th. This is a full day of school. Our students in grades 1-4 will end school on Tuesday, June 18th. This will be a half day of school and students will be released at 1pm.
Our 4th grade send off will be held on Monday, June 17th at 9:30. Our send off letter is attached in this week's news and announcements and will be sent home with students this week. Limited parking is available on our lots, however we will be directing send off traffic to park on our side field, to the right of our building. Staff will be there to help direct traffic. Please do not arrive for the event any earlier than 9:10 which is when we plan to open the gate for parking. Please ensure that if you plan to dismiss your child (and any siblings) from school after this event, you must fill out the release form attached to the send off letter to ensure we are prepared for any early dismissals.
If your child takes medication regularly here at school, all medications must be picked up at the end of the school year. Last day to pick up any student medications will be Tuesday, June 18th. Please contact our nurse if you need to make special arrangements to pick up your student’s medication. You can email Nurse Erin [email protected] if you have any additional questions.
June Events
Grade 4 Chorus Concert- Wednesday, June 5 @ 2:15
Grade 3 Field Day- Thursday, June 6th
Nature & Me- Fourth Grade Trip- Friday, June 7th
Spirit Day- Friday, June 7th
RISE Field Day- Monday, June 10
Grade 2 Field Day- Tuesday, June11
Last Day for Preschool and Kindergarten Students- Tuesday, June 11 (Full day of school)
Grade 3 Field Trip- Wednesday, June 12
Grade 4 Field Day- Wednesday, June 12
Red, White and Blue Day- Friday, June 14
Plaque Dedication Ceremony- Friday, June 14
4th Grade Send Off- Monday, June 17 @ 9:30am
Last Day of School- All students grades 1-4, Tuesday, June 18 (Early Release Day- 1pm release time)
REMINDERS: Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up
Please remember that if you are dropping your students off in the morning, even if your student missed the bus, please use the parent pickup and drop off lines. We have noticed an influx of parents pulling into the parking lot and dropping off between buses. This is not a designated drop off zone. Please do not drop off students in the parking lot. You must use the drop off lane when arriving between 8:45 and 9am. If and when the gate closes, please be sure to pull up as far as you can to our main entrance. Please ensure that staff is available to escort your student into the building if arriving on time, otherwise you must escort your students into our building whenever dropping off after 9am.
We also ask that you take time to review our dismissal protocol as well. We expect that all parents picking up students at the end of the day, wait in our car pickup lane and your student will be dismissed to you in our designated pickup area. If you have made changes to your normal dismissal plan, please be sure to send this change in writing in a timely manner. This can be a handwritten note or email to your child’s teacher as well as the office. Please avoid dismissing your students between 2:50 and 3:00pm as this is the busiest time and is the time bus traffic begins on our campus. We want to ensure your safety and the safety of your child while entering and exiting the main entrance.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Nichols, Principal
Mrs. Dalessio, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Emard, Assistant Principal